In Japan, the population participating in a traditional ceremony called Shichi-Go-San has been on the decline. The ceremony is typically...
Breckenridge, with its stunning natural beauty and rich history, is undeniably one of the most captivating mountain towns out there,...
The Humane Society of Missouri has rescued 106 neglected dogs and puppies from puppy mills across the state. Rescue operations...
Joey Wagner saved a Pit Bull puppy suffering from mange in Nova Scotia and took him to receive medical attention. The...
Ohio lawmakers are considering a bill that would provide tax credits to landlords who allow pets in their rental properties....
A couple from Virginia adopts a rescue puppy right after their wedding ceremony by rescheduling it two hours earlier. They...
A five-year-old dog named Tessy from a Delaware shelter was adopted after spending over 1,000 days there. Tessy, a black...
Labrador-Retriever mix dog named Buster is looking for a forever home after surviving a hit-and-run in the Bahamas and being...
Bluto, a Pit Bull, was found as a stray and adopted by Sarah. He is extremely attached to her and...
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