What are your pets up to lately? Check out these unbelievable fun stories: <ul> <li>Buzz adjusts to life without brother, cuddles with Wilbur and enjoys heating pad...</li> <li>Katie and Wilbur cats not friends but had a moment...</li> <li>Linus burnt hair but Toast loves closeness...</li> <li>Agatha and Thalia cats take turns on couch...</li> <li>Muzzy dog likes a fish, fish disagrees...</li> <li>Dewey wants to be an only child, Ember hides in rubber plant...</li> <li>Einstein tortoise follows staff and gets tangled in cords...</li> </ul> <a href="https://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/2023/11/what-are-your-pets-up-to/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Read the full story on SBTB</a>